Ladies First Team

Cornell Previews The New Season

This Sunday, we kick off our campaign against newly promoted Frontiers FC, a team we are familiar with from last season’s FA Cup 1st round qualifier—a game that unfortunately ended in heartbreak as we bowed out on penalties, cutting short our cup run. However, as we approach this new season, we do so as a completely different team.
Our summer recruitment has been sharp, targeting the right areas that needed strengthening. We’ve brought in players who not only fit our system but elevate it. These smart additions, combined with the core players we’ve retained, make us confident that we can carry forward the momentum we built at the end of last season. More importantly, we’re ready to set things right.
We’re excited to hand home debuts to Holly Fox, Georgina Gosnell, and Emily Schofield. All three bring a blend of flair, goals, and, crucially, a wealth of experience at this level. Their impact will be significant as we aim to hit the ground running.
Preseason has been a success, with the squad gelling well in a short amount of time. Balancing youth with experience was our primary goal this summer, and the cohesion within the group is evident. The atmosphere around the team is excellent, with a focus on chemistry and a style of football that we hope our fans will love.
With this group, we believe we can push the club forward and achieve the success we deserve. The personnel we’ve assembled is more than capable of getting us there. We can’t wait for the season to begin.
We kick off at home 2PM 18th August.
Josh Cornell, Ladies First Team Manager


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