Men's First Team

Wade reviews the start of the season

After a relatively slow start to the season we managed to pick up our first win at step 5 on Tuesday night at home to London lions! With new signings starting to gel and players returning from holiday the squad is slowly getting back to full strength. We go in to Saturdays game with only captain Louie offer still suspended, Lee Brennan away, Charlie, Tom and Zion injured! But we have a couple of real positives with Luke Marshall and Kaidyn Michael returning after both missing Tuesdays game with slight injuries.

Every game at step 5 will be tough but we go into the game with a new added confidence from a dominating display Tuesday night. Our opponents Baldock have also had a slow start so they will also be looking to kick start there season so the boys will need to be up for the challenge.

Saturday looks to be a real test for us away from home to build on Tuesdays win and move us into the top half of the league, we are prepped and ready to go! COYW



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