Senior Football Section

Senior Football AGM

Just to confirm at the Wormley Rovers AGM held on the 8th of July 2024 at the Clubhouse, minutes, nominations, and treasurers report attached but the headlines are:

Vice Chair Nick Sparrow has stepped down from his role as did not feel he could commit every weekend to the club having changed his work arrangements but will always help us out if we are short of bodies on match days and will be here as a fan when he can be, Nick has been an unbelievable support to me over the last nine years and I cannot thank him enough.

Dave Smith, “Tonka” to his friends has also stood down due to ill health meaning he cannot fulfil the Club Secretary role, unfortunately he is mostly bedridden now as his legs have packed up working but he sends his best and wanted you all to know his brain is still working but the Club Secretary role became too much for him in the end.

Colin Brown and Garry Baker who have headed up the Golf Society for the last twenty years are bowing out at the end of this calendar year and once again thank you to both of them who have continuously raised at least £2K a season to support senior football and in the last four years that monies has been put to one side to be the staring amount for major projects around the main pitch.

Jose Calero who many of you will know from the Youth section has agreed to take on Club Secretary role going forward

Rachel Daltrey remains as Vice Chair as decision was taken at the meeting to go forward with just one for now and that is Rachel

Once Colin and Garry step down Mark Wiggins has kindly offered to step up and run the Society for us

All key elements of the AGM meeting are in the minutes but important to clarify we have kept player costs the same for the third year running, what that means is all senior players U17`s, U18`s, reserve/U23s/ both 1st teams pay £100 per player to be paid by the 30th September either collectively from team admins (preferred) or individually into our bank account. If players ultimately do not play more than 8 games for the club and move on, we will refund their monies, similarly a season ending injury will be dealt with sympathetically by the club, but these are exceptions. We will always review cases of hardship if a player cannot afford the monies but please do not forward any cases where the player then rocks up in £150 boots as unlikely to be met with a listening ear.

Bonus Ball- Mark Butcher now runs it the cost is £2 per week and paid by direct debit and all profits go to supporting the Football club, should not have any spare balls a club of this size to be honest. However, we still have too many please get some of your guys involved spare numbers 1,5,11,13,16,18,20,31,38,41,42,44,50,52,54 and 57.

All teams were tasked with putting on a fundraising event through the season to assist with the costs of running senior football but we must have the support of players and parents to ensure these nights are successful and raise some monies, we need to start thinking about these now as the clubhouse gets booked up well in advance and if two teams or an age group want to run something together then that is fine

We agreed to meet every two months during the season on the following dates so please ensure that someone from your team attends the meetings and we will send out reminders the week before the dates are:

16th September2024 all meetings are an 8pm start and I am sure we can get Andy to open the bar for us

11th November 2024

6th January 2025

3rd March 2025

Let’s all have a great season COYW



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