Youth Football

Wormley Youth AGM

Thank you to all who attended the Wormley Youth AGM, held at the club house on 18 July 2024. It is was really encouraging to see representatives from most age groups in attendance, engaging in discussions, offering support and getting involved in club initiatives.

The 2023/24 was a great year for the youth section, both in terms of successes on the pitch across all age groups for the boys and girls, as well as at a club level. The meeting raised some key issues which as a club we are looking to address to continue to improve the way we work as a club to provide the best facilities and opportunities for the children, providing a safe environment for them to enjoy their football and be part of the growing Wormley community.

In the 2024/25 season we will be arranging more meetings like this to allow a platform for ideas and discussions, and to provide support for our volunteers who work so hard coaching the teams and supporting the children’s development.

During the AGM we discussed potential fundraising opportunities, organising more regular meetings between coaches and the committee, the progress of new teams joining the club for the 2023/24 season, improvements to club facilities and the new website which is coming soon. One of the key changes for the coming year is the implantation of the new Age Group Representatives, thank you to those who have taken up this role.

We have also produced a revised Wormley Way for All and Wormley Way for Coaches which includes our code of conduct. Please ensure that all parents, volunteers, coaches and anyone else involved with the club are familiar with these. These can be found on the club website along with our safeguarding and social media policies.

I would like to welcome all new teams (including coaches, parents and players) joining us for the coming season this includes a new u11 girls team and new members to the girls u17. We also welcome the new under 7 boys and under 8 girls teams. This takes us to a total of 42 boys and girls teams in the youth section which is fantastic.

Our ability to bring in new teams demonstrates the success of the Development Squad and a big thank you to Luke Wright and his team, and Danny Tomlin, for their hard work and dedication for making this such a success. As a reminder, Development Squad training is held on Saturdays mornings from 10-11am. We also have a girls Development Squad run by Danny Tomlin on Wednesday evenings 5-6pm. The Development Squads are open to all children aged 4 and up. Anyone interested joining or learning more about the Development Squad should contact Luke (07508727312) or Danny (07930 219078).

Finally, a big thank you to the committee for all their support over the last 12 months. We cannot underestimate the effort the committee put in to running the club, ensuring we provide a safe and enjoyable environment not just for the children, but for their families, our volunteers and other club members. And a big welcome to our 2 new members of the committee, Stuart Yates who joins as Co-Vice Chair, and Eve Donaldson who will be picking up the role of treasurer.

Current youth committee: Kyle Phillips (Chair), Richard Davis and Stuart Yates (Vice-Chair), Jose Calero (Secretary), Eve Donaldson (treasurer supported by Jamie), Sarah Davis and Stacey Duffy (Welfare), Simon White, Lucy Farley and Micki Filocco (Coach Liaison), Sonny McNaulty (Equipment), Jamie Nicholson and Danny Tomlin (Pitches), Luke Wright (Dev Squad), Natalie Niebank (Social media)

Kyle Phillips, Youth Chair



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